Wednesday, March 20, 2019

EngraveD VST (BUZZ HM-2 clone)

Hello there!

I decided the other day to make a clone of my own BUZZ HM-2 plugin. Since there are hardware clones out on the market based on the real HM-2 pedal, I thought it made sense to create one of my own.

 It´s simpler than BUZZ Hm-2 in that it has only two controls: A Level knob and a Power switch.

The sound is very similar to the original plugin but the inner workings has been reworked (such as the distortion and EQ-curve) which results in a slightly different sound (which might be good if you want the Left and Right channels to sound more like there are two guitarists playing the same part).

Here is the download link:

EngraveD 32-bit



  1. This is only for windows isn't it?

    1. Windows 32-bit only, yes. Hmm… perhaps I need to update the information about that here. Sorry about that...

  2. Whoah! I'll have to jbridge this but I'm excited to try it out!

    1. Cool! Would you mind writing a comment here about how it worked out?

    2. Hi mate, Im not Brian Wright obviously, my apologies :) I did exactly that! Bridging works flawlessly, however the plugin seems to be crashng both Cubase (10.0.60) and Nuendo (10.3.0.). Pity, for these brief moments I succeeded to run the project before it crashed, it sounded awesome!!

    3. ...any plans on a 64bit at all..? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one to be happy to pay for a properly functioning HM2 emulation ;)

  3. Also interested if there will be a mac version

  4. I am sorry, but there will not be any mac or 64_bit versions of any of my plugins, unless the software I use will be updated to include such features. As of now it does not I´m afraid.

    1. Pity... Though I have to say I already bought myself a certain pink pedal and a reamp box for the sake of it. A bit of a hassle, but works for my needs. However I can't emphasize enough - should a 64bit version become a reality one day, I'll be the first one to buy it! Fingers crossed for your programming software update.
