Monday, November 12, 2018

Guitar Rig settings for a HM2 like result!

Hello again.

I´ve found some time to post again (I am quite bad at visiting this blog regularily).

This time I will post an example of my own endeavors to sculpt a HM2 like sound using Guitar Rig.
I´ve chosen to post screenshots of my setup which I think comes fairly close to the Chainsaw sound we all love or dread.

BTW, please notice the big red Arrows on the pics as the settings they mark out might get overlooked but are quite important to the overall sound.

Most important however is the dual setup if the distortions (the yellow ds-1 and the fuzz), and the EQ-settings in pic 2. The first spike at 88Hz as well as the last spike at approximately 1000Hz to 1200Hz are the most important, but the deep dip at ca 300hz is almost as important since this will emphasize the "nasality" of the sound.

Bear in mind that this setup is quite noisy, so the noise-gate is probably essential (my settings are average at best).

Good luck, and happy riffing!!!